Shag Harbour Incident Society Museum (a.k.a. UFO Museum)
Chairperson Cindy Nickerson and associate, Dale Nickerson (un-related) opened the doors to the newly established Shag Harbour Incident Society Museum (UFO Museum) on June 22nd 2007. The pair says that the temporary museum building may be humble but believes the museum has huge potential for the future and the community.
Cindy Nickerson (L), Dale Nickerson (R) and "Errol" (Centre) pose in front of the temporary home of the Shag Harbour UFO Museum. (click image to view larger of the same) |
The Shag Harbour incident has been chronicled in books and on television and has captured the imaginations of UFO enthusiasts and others.
The Nickersons says the society hopes to continually add material about the incident to the museum as funds become available. They plan in the near future to commission interpretative panels at the site.
The museum also includes items and information about the history of Shag Harbour.
The Nickersons says there have also been people interested in joining the society. Dues are $5 annually. Members are welcome to participate in meetings and will receive the SHIS newsletter.
The site of the 1967 UFO visit, Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia. The photograph is an adaptation of two photographs by Doug Shand (top portion) and Linda Ross (aerial view). (click image to view larger of the same) |
The "UFO Musuem" is the place to stop to learn everything about the Shag Harbour UFO sighting. You can view collected memorabilia, watch TV programs about the incident and perhaps even meet a witness.
The official Canada Post Shag Harbour cancelation stamp (designed by Eric Shand). |
There are also souveniers for sale, proceeds collected will aid this non-profit institution and the local community.
Visitors are able to also obtain an official Canada Post cancelation stamp, which will be used for any postcards or letters mailed at the "UFO Museum".
Further west on the road, visitors can visit the site of the UFO incident, viewing the harbour towards the sound where the alleged crash took place. It provides a good spot for one to contemplate what it was like that evening on October 4th, 1967 observing the strange phenomenon along with the rest of the witnesses dumb founded with the spectacle.
1,000th visitor!

The Shag Harbour Inicident Museum is happy to announce its 1,000 visitor since it's opening on June 22, 2007. The Nickersons have had a busy summer, and celebrate their 1,000th visitor, Donald DeYoung who hails from Halifax, NS. He visit the UFO Museum on Aug. 24 and was presented with a Shag Harbour UFO Incident mug. (click image on the left to view larger of the same)
Coordinates (getting there...)
The Shag Harbour Incident Society Museum
P.O.Box 53
Shag Harbour
Nova Scotia, B0W 3B0
t: +1 902 723 0174 (Cindy Nickerson)
t: +1 902 723 2385 (Dale Nickerson)
Hours: M-F (10:00am - 5:00pm); Sat (noon - 5pm); Sun (1:00 - 5:00pm)
Note: The UFO Museum can be opened during off-hours by appointment only.
Map of the location of the Shag Harbour "UFO Museum". (click image to view larger of the same and print) |
Copyright © 2007 All rights reserved - Canadian UAO-USO Network (C·U·U·N) - Last updated: August 28, 2007